Nissan Titan and Titan XD Walkaround & Review - Dodge Who? GM, Say What?? Royal Nissan and "Uncle" Bill OGorman in Cortland, NY

Uncle Bill OGorman's Blog | Nissan Titan and Titan XD Walkaround & Review - Dodge Who? GM, Say What?? Royal Nissan and "Uncle" Bill OGorman

So your lease is ending and they do not have a truck to replace it.

Buying out your lease means a higher payment PLUS you get to buy the tires and such because you are NOW the owner!

Before you pull your hair out.. slow down and click on this Video to learn how the option you forgot about.. may be your BEST SOLUTION!

I chose this 2020 Video because it's pretty much the same for 2021 BUT you get a complete side by side comparison of each package.

Now.. "Uncle" Bill is NOT saying run out and get one quick.. what I am saying is stop in and DRIVE ONE and see what you may have been missing.... Nissan TITAN.

Bold yet understated and when compared to the "Trucks you can't get"... it's a tremendous value!

Royal Nissan of Cortland, 3901 Rte 281 the West Road - Cortland NY 13045.

It's time YOU call "Uncle" Bill at (607) 543-1215.. it's time you found true value and savings.




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